Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Final title?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Book title
Saturday, November 21, 2009
- Etiquette of the Unhappy
- Shit happens...
- Sad Times... a guidebook
- Good manners, sad times
- Good manners, Bad days
- Don't Clap at a funeral... and other tips
I am currently focusing on the book binding, typesetting, illustrations and overall design of the book. The writing of the book is turning out to be a lot less funnier than I want, (reading about funerals is a bit of a downer) but it will have to suffer due to time constraints. I can fix it up for the gradshow afterwards.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
How to Win Fiends and Influence People
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Preface (revised)
We live in a world of traditions, where facades and fronts are a frivolous necessity to representing our sincerity. This book takes that oxymoron to heart, its pages bearing information and instruction for pointless actions that play messenger to point-full meanings.
This book hopes to inform you individuals with troglodytic tendences, the way of the unhappy world, and how you should handle it. In the wake of situations that may leave most flabbergasted and too shocked and sorrow-stricken to react, you will know what to say and do to play your part as the close, but-not-that-close-friend. May you absorb its information at the speed similar to osmosis.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Three Questions
2. I am looking for book binding places and paper places in Toronto. I feel like I've come to a limit looking at paper at the usual place I go to. I am looking for something heavy creamy very subtly textured feel for my book. Any suggestions?
3. How do you feel about setting copy text in colour? I'm debating if I should set it in a very subtle brown.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Experimental Binding Project: Old Master Q