I'm starting to have some qualms about using the word troglodyte as one of the main terms in this book. I want the narrator to have a satirical quirky tone, but that doesn't help (or match) the idea of pulling out troglodytes from their reclusive nature. The narrator is a voice telling the reader how to handle situations with the assumption that the reader wants to know what's best, the narrator is not afraid of stepping on anyone's toes.
Perhaps the more accurate way to use troglodyte would be troglodytic tendencies, and people are only sometimes, ignorant and reclusive when it comes to dealing with things. Perhaps I will just forgo the word all together, if it does not match, although it would be an interesting addition to the mix.
My book is at a point in stage that things are really moving and changing while new ideas and solutions popup.
When I first thought of this book, it was meant to be a charming, silly, yet informative book that is almost like a bathroom read. It has evolved to being that, and also having a voice that is somewhat of a slightly satirical tone that is meant to be taken in jest.
The illustrations depict a variety of unhappy scenarios of a main cartoon character (having nothing to do with the narrator), who is somewhat of an ignorant, naive character, most often making all the etiquette mistakes there are. Satire is used to poke fun at something, to send an underlying message, in this case, what NOT to do.
Written from the view of a person who understands that even though etiquette and putting up a front sometimes seems fake and useless, it is a necessary as human interaction and is inevitable to avoid, therefore this book states how to use etiquette properly, within the subject matter of unhappy events.
This book intended for an audience that wants an understanding of how to deal with people that they are close, but not-so-close-with when stuck in unfortunate events. The audience might read the book for the satirical illustrations, the slightly mean narrating voice, or just to find out information on this topic.
Here is the preface of my book. Please read it and see if you can give me a suggestion for a title!
We live in a world of traditions, where facades and fronts are a frivolous necessity to representing our sincerity. This book takes that oxymoron to heart, its pages bearing information and instruction for pointless actions that play messenger to point-full meanings.
This book hopes to inform you individuals with troglodytic tendences, the way of the unhappy world, and how you should handle it. In the wake of situations that may leave most flabbergasted and too shocked and sorrow-stricken to react, you will know what to say and do to play your part as the close, but-not-that-close-friend. May you absorb its information at the speed similar to osmosis.
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